We've all heard of chocolate stout cupcakes, but I really wanted to try some stout in brownies. But, brownies seem like such a big commitment of sorts...A whole pan...Just too tempting for me these days. So, cookies sounded about right in the portion control department. And, I could freeze them. Always a plus!
Freezing cookies and having a stash in the freezer solves a few issues:
1. I have a ready source of cookies for my morning coffee. Yup, I start every day with a cookie. How bad can that be?
2. If someone comes to the house to do work, like the guys who came to prune trees, I have some for them to munch on while they are here.
3. I will always have some for my dad when he comes over. My dad LOVES cookies. His motto:
There are no bad cookies, some are just better than others.
I love my dad.
These cookies are super EASY to mix up and bake. They hold up well too with adding this and that. I added salted peanuts because I love peanuts and chocolate. Get a little protein boost in your cookies, too! I especially like that these cookies have a shininess to them. Almost festive.
Great with a cup of coffee or as a quick snack. I would imagine that any sort of booze could be added. Go ahead, experiment!
Moist and chocolaty and peanutty...All my favorites in one cookie!
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