Saturday, June 9, 2012

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie {with Frambroise} Day!

Happy Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day!  I know...Aren't you excited?!  I certainly am!!  No question about it, this pie is about as American as you get.  And, it's an amazing pie.  Simple to make, beautiful, and its taste is sublime.  Just the right amount of sweet.  This pie is infused with just a hint of Frambroise which gives a luscious body to the syrup that surrounds the strawberries and rhubarb.

Rhubarb is a vegetable, tastes sour when raw, and it is infamous because of its toxic leaves.  It is only available, fresh, in the late spring and early summer months here in California.  You can also find it frozen.  It's a very sour vegetable and typically is used in baked sweet treats to round out the acidity.  I have also seen it in jams, which I would image are beyond words!

I used fresh rhubarb for my pie and opted for frozen strawberries this time.  I know...why not fresh strawberries, too?  Well, my friend Leslie always used frozen.  Just cuz, I don't know.  But, frozen strawberries are as sweet and pack as much flavor as fresh.  So, I stand by my decision. 

This pie with its hint of Frambroise to round out the filling's sweetness is easy to throw together.  Oh-so-good to enjoy on a beautiful summer day!

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Make your favorite pie crusts.  I used this one.  And, I would recommend no more than 4 tbsp vodka.  I'm finding more and more that it's the right amount to allow for decent gluten formation, which is key to easy rolling and crispy texture.  When you're ready, roll out the bottom crust and prep your rhubarb and strawberries.
Make the filling and prep all your ingredients before hand.  You will need your cornstarch and Frambroise mixed and ready to go.
When the mixture boils for a full minute (no less!), immediately pour in into the bowl of rhubarb and strawberries.  Mix to coat.  Luscious already...Pour into the prepared pie shell, dot with butter and place in the refrigerator.
Roll out the top crust as you prefer.  I decided to try my hand at a lattice top.  I've never made one, so I had to look up how to do that part.  Alas, my Martha Stewart Pies and Tarts book had no pictures, so what else: YouTube!  It's a basic weave pattern.  The tough part is getting started and figuring out the cutting part.  But, it's geometry so I knew I could handle this.  And, look?  Not bad, huh?  You know you've done it correctly if you have no dough left.  The secret is to work from the middle. 
Seal and crimp edges, nothing fancy here.  Place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment.  These pie is super full and you don't want a mess in your oven.  I always brush my pies with cream or milk and sprinkle with sugar.  I don't know, it just looks more beautiful.  Agreed? 
Bake as directed and see what you get?  Gorgeous and oozing with sweet strawberry and rhubarb goodness.  You will LOVE the smell of this pie!

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie with Frambroise
Adapted from Knotts Berry Farm recipe for Boysenberry Pie
Makes 1 10" deep dish pie

Double pie crust of your choice (I used my regular pie crust here)
7 1/2 oz water
6 1/2 oz sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp corn syrup
1 tsp lemon juice
5 tbsp cornstarch
2 oz Frambroise (or water)
16 oz frozen whole strawberries (or 2-3 cups fresh, cored and cut in half)
2 cups rhubarb, cut in 1/2 inch pieces (I used fresh)

1. Make your pie crusts and refrigerate until ready to use. 
2. Roll out one of your pie crusts and place in your pie plate.  Place in the refrigerator until ready for the filling.
3. Preheat oven to 425F.
4. Place the frozen strawberries and rhubarb in a large bowl.  Set aside.
5. To make the filling, in a small bowl mix the cornstarch and Frambroise with a whisk until combined with no lumps.  Set aside.
6. In a medium sauce pan, combine water, sugar, salt, corn syrup and lemon juice.  Heat over medium heat to boil.  When the mixture comes the a boil, slowly whisk in the cornstarch mixture.  Mix quickly with the whisk and boil for a full minute.  Pour the mixture over the rhubarb and strawberries and gently toss to combine.  Set aside while you roll out the top crust.
7. Roll out top crust and prepare anyway you wish.  Remove pie shell from refrigerator and place rhubard/strawberry mixture in the pie shell.  Dot with butter.
8. Place top crust on top.  Seal and crimp edges.  Cut a few slits in the top of a solid top crust. Brush with cream or milk and sprinkle with sugar.
9. Place on a parchment lined cookie sheet (or place a pan or foil under your rack).  Bake for 20 minutes at 425F. Reduce the temperature to 375F for 40-45 minutes or until the juices bubble.  The crust should be golden brown.
10. Remove from the oven and cool completely on a rack.  Fruit pies should be cooled for at least 4 hours to allow the juices to set.

I had this for breakfast the next day.  Yes, we all are familiar with breakfast pie here at BIWB.  Ice cream, well, I needed to do that for the photo and you just CAN'T put that back in the carton.  :-)
This pie is a keeper and will make just about anyone you love very, very happy! 



  1. That is stunning...and now I want pie. :)

  2. Thanks, Dorothy! The pie is half gone...Shh, don't tell anyone. :) Breakfast pie all week; it doesn't get much better than that for me! :)

  3. This is just gorgeous!! I've never summoned up the courage to do actual WOVEN lattice on top of my pies, but this makes me want to try :) I just got some beautiful strawberries at the farmer's market yesterday; perhaps I need to get some rhubarb :)

    1. Thanks, Jacqueline...Easy is the name of the lattice top concept. It's geometry my friend!

  4. Your lattice crust came out perfect! Isn't this just the most wonderful pie and yes, I would have it for breakfast too:-D XOXO

    1. I feel so much better knowing there is a kindred breakfast pie spirit out there too! :) XO

  5. This has such an unexpected, warm comfort food taste and feeling. Ellen you really are an artist in the kitchen. Beautiful!

    1. I'm so happy you like my pie...And the compliment about your mom was so lovely. Really. And, the best part of today: you pie is on its way!!

  6. Look at that purrrrty lattice work on that pie. And the crunchy sugar--gorgeous!

  7. I've never had rhubarb, just one of those things leftover from childhood. This pie might just make me get over it. Your lattice crust is perfect! I also checked out your Hard Apple Cider Pie and that's also now on my must make list!

    1. Hi Joan! I know, this rhubarb thing was something I wasn't sure or until my early 20s. And, who ever came up with the idea of using it in a pie was a GENIUS! I hope you try this pie and give rhubarb a try. The Hard Cider Apple Pie is one of my favorites for fall. I won't make another apple pie without that hard cider (or brandy). Let me know how it goes!! :)

  8. I've been looking for an excuse to use my framboise up for ages - I might have found it! Shame rhubarb won't be in season for another four or five months...


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