My friend, Lisa, gave me this recipe. It started with a phone call...I rarely answer my phone (as most of my friends know...). When I heard Lisa's voice, it sounded kinda concerned. She had planned to make her father's favorite bday cake, Harvey Wallbanger, and couldn't find a key ingredient: orange cake mix. The cake is based on the cocktail which dates back to the 1950s. Once I heard the NAME of this cake, I was IN!
So, onto the internet search to figure out what this cake was all about...I found a few recipes with pictures. Intriguing. Fun. Different. Galliano? I needed a REASON to buy some...Really. It's the truth. I have a fondness for this Italian vanilla-anise liqueur after many a Unitrans trip up to Poor Reds for amazing Golden Cadillacs and the best tasting ribs on EARTH. Mind you, after a few too many cocktails at a very young age, most ANY food is going to be the BEST you've ever tasted. ;-)
A few weeks later, Lisa had successfully made the cake with a yellow mix and she saved me a piece...Moist and such a different, yet amazingly complex flavor. I knew I had Picnic Day plans with my Unitrans buds (Lisa's husband, Ivan, and I drove buses see the connections here) and THIS WAS THE CAKE!
Unitrans alumni meets Poor Reds memories meets Picnic Day at the Park!
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